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Lunar January

1st day of Lunar New Year Spring Festival, New Year's Day, Celebrating the New Year, Taoist Festival, Birth of Yuan Shi Tian Zun (Maitreya Buddha) One of the Four Major Traditional Festivals
4th day of Lunar New Year Welcoming the Gods Kitchen God
5th day of Lunar New Year Welcoming the God of Wealth, Reopening Businesses God of Wealth (Earth God)
9th day of Lunar New Year Heavenly Lord's Birthday, Jade Emperor's Birthday Jade Emperor
14th to 15th day of Lunar New Year Yanshui Beehive Fireworks Festival in Tainan
15th day of Lunar New Year Lantern Festival, Shangyuan Festival, Birthday of Tianguan Dadi (Yao), Celebrations in Taitung and Pingxi Sanjie Gong
20th day of Lunar New Year Tian Chuan Day, Hakka National Day

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